Downland Peregrine

A brisk circular walk around the open slopes of Epsom Downs this afternoon was largely devoid of birds. Up to 100 Common Gulls were feeding over the grassland, this species being the commonest species of gull here throughout the winter months. No amount of scanning of the neighbouring fields could winkle out anything of note, and it was not until I was almost back at the car that any reward came my way - in the form of a male Peregrine, that flew in from the north and carried on southwards towards Walton-on-the-Hill - certainly not the barrel-chested female that had been spending the late autumn/early winter at Canons Farm. The 2015 local patch challenge now creeps up to 59 species.


Stewart said…
Hi Steve, If my calculations are correct, thats you on 65% and me with 55%...I hope I have a good autumn....
Moth list is now on 2.
Steve Gale said…
My moth list is zero - one nights trapping only. Hope to get out again tomorrow with 4-5 possible additions. Wouldn't mind a surprise addition at the same time! Cheers my friend...

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