More arable plant porn

This afternoon's visit to Langley Bottom/Vale Farm was enlivened by a fine show of arable flora, including a profusion of blue-flowered Scarlet Pimpernel, masses of Small Toadflax and both Sharp-leaved and Round-leaved Fluellen, up to a dozen Ground Pine plants and some 'well over' Common Cudweed (first image). Marvellous stuff!

Ground Pine - up to a dozen plants are huddled in a corner of a field at Langley Bottom Farm this year. This species is doing really badly elsewhere.

Scarlet Pimpernel of the blue-flowered form. There are fewer plants that stir the blood so much. The third photograph shows some Small Toadflax on the right hand side.


That blue green colour is extraordinary on those flowers.
Gibster said…
How're the Chipstead Valley Ground Pines doing nowadays? I recall they were mostly in rabbit scrapings, along with Cut-leaved Germander, though this was 20 odd years back. Glad to see they're doing alright in your patch at least. Stunning blue pimpernels, btw!
Steve Gale said…
They're even better in real life Simon.
Steve Gale said…
Seth, the Chipstead Valley (Fames Rough) site is occasionally ploughed to disturb the seed bank and create bare areas for them to take advantage of. I have looked fleetingly this year with no success. Others may have found the odd plant - I hope so.
Libby said…
Hi, I would be really interested to know the locations of these plants if you were happy to share? I am working around this farm at the moment and would like to be able to use the records as part of my work. Thank you, Libby

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