Number One
My top 10 natural history events of the last five years has reached its conclusion...
1. The Hawfinch irruption in Surrey, 2017-18
It had to be, didn't it - you do not get to witness many unprecedented ornithological events in a lifetime. The Hawfinch irruption of 2017-18 was truly remarkable. The first suggestion that 'something was going on' started in early October, when larger than usual numbers of this big-billed finch were being recorded across the (mainly) southern part of England. This in itself would have been enough to rewrite the perceived status of migrant Hawfinches, but it didn't stop there. Many stopped off to winter, and here I was very lucky indeed. Firstly, I had the time. Secondly, I had the bit between my teeth. And thirdly I lived right in the thick of it, as the largest Hawfinch gatherings ever recorded in Britain decided to haunt the yew-clad slopes of the North Downs in 'my' part of Surrey.
I spent a great deal of January, February and March 2018 hunting Hawfinch. It became an obsession and it paid off. I located birds at over 25 localities and recorded 6,327 bird days. On February 22nd my day total was of 705 individuals. On March 13th my morning was enlivened by a single flock of 600 birds. Within a three-mile radius of the Mole Gap I am confident that there were over a thousand present. Minimum. Bramblehall Wood became a site of celebrity, hosting hundreds between early February until early April, and enticed many birders to traverse the undulating, muddy footpath to join in the Hawfinch-fest. Personal counts made during this unforgettable event were:
2017 Headley Heath
A single on 10 October, 32 on 31 October, 26-35 on 1 November, 20+ on 6 November, 15 on 13 November, 12 on 4 December, two on 22 December
Juniper Bottom, nr Box Hill
Six flew north-west on 15 October
Nork, Banstead
Five (a four and a one) flew east over the back garden on 16 October
Canons Farm, Banstead
A single flew south on 25 November
2018 Mickleham Downs
c20 on wooded slopes due east of village on 9 January; six on 10 January; 10 on 13 January, 16 on 6 February, 40+ on 8 February, 22 on 12 February; four on 16 February; seven on 17 February; 46 on 13 March; 80 on 20 March; 14 on 26 March; one on 1 April
Juniper Top/Ashurst Rough
Two on 10 January, 70+ on 29 January, 200+ on 30 January, a single in song on 4 February, c50 on 12 February; 66 on 15 March; three on 27 October
Headley Heath
A single on 18 January
Bramblehall Wood
c20 on 4 February, 47 on 6 February, 17 on 8 February, 170 on 10 February, 145 on 12 February, 260 on 14 February; 250 on 16 February; 300 on 17 February; 255+ on 19 February; five on 21 February; 420 on 22 February; 260 on 26 February; 325+ on 5 March; 600 on 13 March; 550 on 20 March; 275 on 26 March; 200 on 1 April; three on 9 April
Dorking Woods
27 on 6 Feb; 115+ on 18 Feb; 250+ on 22 Feb; four on 23 Feb; 30+ on 26 Feb; 90 on 7 March; 30 on 11; 22 on 22nd
High Ashurst
Four on 16 February
Bagden Farm
Two on 18 February
Chapelhill Wood
Three on 18 February; two on 7 March; seven on 11 March; 20 on 22 March
Polesden Lacey
14 on 18 February; 13 on 22 February; three on February 23; two on 7 March; one on 22 March
Ranmore Common
30+ on 18 February; four on 22 February; two on February 23; six on 7 March; 37 on 11 March; six on 22 March
Freehold Wood
18 on 18 February; two on 11 March; one on 22 March
Betchworth Hills
11 on 5 March
Brockham Quarry
Two on 5 March; four on 26 March
Lodge Hill
Five on 5 March; 24 on 15 March; five on 20 March; two on 26 March; 17 on 1 April
Juniper Bottom
123 on 13 March; 249 on 15 March; 50 on 20 March; eight on 1 April
Box Hill
35 on 15 March; c40 on 16 March; 16 on 20 March; two on 22 March; 12 on 26 March
Banstead Wood
Two on 18 March
Middlehill Wood
85 on 20 March
Ashcombe Wood
Four on 18 March
Norbury Park
Five on 18 March
Bagden Wood
Two on 22 March
Betchworth Quarry
Three on 26 March
Canons Farm, Banstead
Four flew east on 14 April
If you would like to read more, please go to the right-hand tab at the top of the blog (underneath the header) titled 'Hawfinch Corner' which contains a couple of papers that go into far more detail.
This image is courtesy of Peter Alfrey, taken at Bramblehall Wood |