Bathing in the glory of others?
“We look back on past ages with condescension, as a mere
preparation for us... but what if we’re only an afterglow of them?” J G Farrell
Try putting the above
quote into a birding context. Are we currently luxuriating in a warm birding
bath whose water was run by birders from time gone by – or are we constantly
topping it up with our own hot water? Let’s look at the evidence...
Binoculars have always been half-decent. Zeiss and Leica
have been around for quite a long time and there were even a few very good
British binocular manufacturers in the post Second World War period. But not
telescopes. The birder of the 60s and 70s had draw-pull monstrosities that
seized up in cold weather and were optically poor. I had a Nickel Supra and it
was pants. Then, sometime in the early 80s, a squat, green, rubberised scope
came onto the market and blew the world of telescopes apart. It was an
Optolyth, it was optically streets ahead of everything else and changed the way
scopes were made for good. Since then, optics have improved in quality of
course, but I would maintain that there hasn’t been such a’road to Damascus’
moment since that Optolyth was launched.
Bob Scott, Peter Grant, Lars Svennson, DIM Wallace. These
are just four birders who took hold of groups of birds that hardly anybody had
a clue about and taught us how to go about identifying them. Non-breeding
plumaged terns were considered almost impossible back in the 1960s and as for
gulls, well, unless they were in adult plumage then you could forget about them.
Birds in the hand required an almost unattainable level of knowledge, but a
single book soon saw to that. Rare migrants from the near and far east had,
until these trailblazers came along,had no
such reference work. Such birders as these turned the impossible into the
possible. There are latter day identification students who work away on honing
our understanding of gulls, redpolls and pipits, but are they truly ground
breaking in the same way as those earlier birders were?
Most ornithological historians site Peterson’s Field Guide
as the hallelujah moment of the bird book. But another guide came along in the
1970s that redefined the genre, and that was Lars Jonsson’s series of guides
that were ultimately combined into the first book that was illustrated to
perfection. The Collins Guide that we all marvel at today, as brilliant as it
is, has been heavily influenced by Jonsson’s original work. Also during the
1970s – 1990s publishers such as T&AD Poyser, Croom Helm and Pica Press
produced a mountain of bird books on highly specialised subjects. It was a
golden age. Has that now dried up?
The setting up of Birdline in the early 1980s was, maybe,
the first entrepreneurial act by birders. It apparently made them a small
fortune. Until this premium phone line bird information service was available
to all, you needed to have cultivated a network of contacts to find out what
was about. This one act swept away the way we twitched and birded overnight. It
opened up a whole new world to thousands of birders. It saw the birth of a
whole new industry – and I would argue that tour companies, optics
manufacturers and publishers reaped the reward. For all of the many ways in which
our hobby has embraced the internet and mobile phones, I don’t think that any
of these has had the impact that Birdline did.
So, as you can see, I believe that we are, as birders,
resting on the laurels of the past. Numbers of ‘birders’ are falling. The rise
of ‘birdwatchers’ might be on the increase. The membership of the RSPB keeps
growing. Popular TV programmes such as Springwatch and Autumnwatch help fuel
this. Most of the books published on birds are catering for this generalist
audience. Is this a bad thing? Well, the serious birder, who collects the
information that the likes of the BTO can use to formulate scientific fact, is
needed. For the pool of such people to remain healthy and populated, that water
in that pool needs to be kept clean and oxygenated. It cannot stagnate or all
will die within it.
Please take a look at this post by David Campbell. You won’t
read a more thoughtful piece on the birding scene, and at the risk of embarrassing
him I must point out that he is only 18 years old.