Another eagle and more gardens

#BWKM0 ND&B garden challenge DAY 12 Eleven days ago I had the bright idea to persuade a few fellow bloggers to come together and, under the imminent threat of lockdown, bird our back gardens together. It was a clumsy way to try and foster a bit of camaraderie at this difficult time, and a way to show a joint appreciation of our gardens and to celebrate the birds that appear in and fly over them. Today we - our 'garden collective' - numbers 40. Throughout the day I try and take note of who is seeing what and how many. I check Twitter, email, Instagram, blogs, WhatsApp and Messenger, and it really is a joy to find out what everybody is recording. Vicarious birding! I intend to post an update each day, as there is so much material being produced - but there might just be the chance that I miss something. If you have contacted me and it doesn't appear please remind me - it isn't that your sightings are not wanted. They are! OUR COMBINED TOTAL IS 107 SPECIES ...