Bergerac joins pan-listing demonstration

I was pleased to see that naturalists from all over the UK gathered at St.Helier on the Channel Island of Jersey to protest against Mark Telfer's cruel discrimination against the islands as not being considered a part of the pan-listing kingdom. John Nettles, old Bergerac himself, gave an impassioned speach to the crowd of several thousand Frenchman in which he pointed out the absurdities of allowing entry for the Isle of Man "their cat's haven't even got tails!" and the Republic of Ireland "it's only allowed in because he's seen White Prominent there!" Monique Le Seur, of Monmartre Chateau on the Rue de la Tete commented that Jersey "is as English as I am". Among those signing the petition being gathered were Bill Oddie, Kate Humble, Terry Nutkins and that bald bloke from the One Show . It was left to John Nettles to some up the mood of the demonstration - "If Telfer thinks that he can get away with this, he's got anoth...