Tree-lichen Beauty

Tree-lichen Beauty trapped this morning - thank you very much!
You can liken me to Nostradamus, or a bargain-basement Mystic Meg, but in my last post I suggested that this week would see me capture a Tree-lichen Beauty in the garden MV. This morning that is exactly what happened. It wasn't a totally unsurprising event, as this species has now established itself in the London area, but it was a lifer for me, following hot on the heels of June's back garden Rannoch Loopers.

Apart from a couple of random Victorian records, the first modern British record was in 1991. Since then they have been recorded along the south coast as far as Devon and up the east coast into Norfolk. The colonisation of London has seen a small expansion into the northern home counties, but so far not the south.

My next prediction? A Willowherb Hawk-moth or a Patton's Tiger please!


Skev said…
Nice one. I could do with this mounting a Small Ranunculus style expansion and turning up in my garden (along with a Toadflax Brocade please).
Peter Alfrey said…
Hi Steve,
I had something green last night- looks a bit like your Tree-lichen but I noticed similar looking ones in the book.There's a photo of it on my blog. Help!
Bennyboymothman said…
Nice moth these, we had them commonly last night down on the Essex coast, they always seem to turn up quite early on in the evening and settle around the trap.
Steve Gale said…
Skev - I don't think you'll have to wait too long for either species.

Peter - It is one! A good addition to your BSF pan-species list

Benny - I envy your assessment of TLB being 'common'!
Anonymous said…
"A Willowherb Hawk-moth or a Patton's Tiger please!"

Nothing like aiming your sights high, Steve.
Well done with the Tree Lichen beauty, though.
Steve Gale said…
I've got to dream Dean, I've got to dream...
Bennyboymothman said…
Yes Steve, on the coast and in the right habitat (where they have been breeding for a few years now) we had at least 9 the other night, they seem to be turning up in the most unusual places as migrants as well, such as a local Town center!
Nevertheless to get it in the Garden, is something i've never managed so congratulations is due!

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