Weekend miscellany

At the annual North Downs and beyond outing to White Hart Lane (where we watched the mighty Spurs overcome a skillful Swansea City), the natural history radar was still switched on. I can now add Grey Wagtail and Brimstone butterfly to the Tottenham Hotspur football ground list.

On the same day, back at Beddington Sewage Farm, the latest evolution of the ringing group was being unveiled. My early bird ringing training was under Ken Parsley and Mike Netherwood during the mid-1970s in the latter days of the then BSF ringing group. After Ken stopped ringing, Mike (and Mickey Cook) set up a ringing station within the storm tanks, where they practiced their art for close on thirty years. Now this scientific study has come back out onto the sewage farm proper, net rides have been cleared and a number of group members are training under Mike's watchful eye. Good luck to the relaunched group!

Mike very kindly reminded me of some other bizarre bird lists I used to keep as a (strange) teenager. 'Birds singing from rooftops', 'Birds seen from a bus' and 'Birds heard or observed while... ahem... going to the loo'. The latter started when a Cetti's Warbler exploded into song as I was relieving myself behind a bush at Stodmarsh (they were still very local back then). They all seeemed like a good idea at the time...


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