Meet a hypocritical blogger...

Sorry, couldn't resist it, even though the image wouldn't get an E+ in a photographic exam.

Canons Farm was a 'warm slog' this morning, in the company of David Campbell and Geoff Barter. Migrant wise a little livelier, with a female Common Redstart at The Slangs, a flyover Yellow Wagtail, six Swallows, a House Martin, 4 Northern Wheatears and a Willow Warbler. The odd Chiffchaff and Blackcap were in the wooded areas. As if to warn us that winter hasn't quite finished with us yet, there was a single Brambling in the Canons Farmhouse area.

Patch challenge total now reaches 86 (86%). Already running out of likely additions...


Derek Faulkner said…
A good day for us all then Steve.
2 Hoopoes and 5 Black-winged Stilts in Kent today as well.
Steve Gale said…
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Steve Gale said…
Any one of those seven would do! Keep 'em peeled...
Stewart said…
Thats a great haul, I hope they are up here by next week...
Steve Gale said…
Whinchat and Black Red today! Post on the way...
Stewart said…
Oh lordy, I need to retire!

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