Greater Snowdrop
There are quite a few species of snowdrop out in flower at the moment. None are truly wild, even the 'normal' one that can carpet our woodland floor (Galanthus nivalis). They are all very similar, but with a bit of practice the other interlopers can be picked out. But beware! They can hybridise.
This morning I came upon a clump in Banstead (above), between the churchyard and car park in the High Street. The flowers were large, the leaves broad, and the inner tepals exhibited an extended area of green marking, particularly towards the base. I feel that I am on safe ground to suggest that this is Greater Snowdrop (Galanthus elwesii). I also came across naturalised crocuses (Early, Spring and Golden), Three-cornered Leek and Sweet Violet. They made a colourful procession to make the season seem even more advanced than it truly is.