Trial period

Our big 'grown up' computer has finally died - it was one of those shiny silver Apple towers that was state-of-the-art when it came out in 2008. The fact that it has lasted NINE years is testament to its robustness. But now that the dreaded time has come we find ourselves looking at the corner of the room where the tower and monitor used to be and not being in any hurry to get a replacement. The reason being is that we can do just about everything on our iPad and iPhone (apologies to any anti-Mac or PC officianados out there).

Sending and receiving Emails, browsing the Internet, and being able to send items to print are all catered for. I have not got access to any of my creative software packages (Photoshop, InDesign) but haven't had the need to yet. I can download images from an SD card onto an iPad and do some rudimentary photo manipulation if I want. So, apart from a bigger screen, do we really need another big computer?

We are living a trial period at the moment to see how we get on without one. If we do decide we need a replacement then we will plump for an i-Mac and not a laptop, and we will then need to wrestle with the choice of monitor size and type of hard drive. I'm not 100% sure how all of this will go, but wouldn't mind betting that any lengthy copy writing will be a pain without a keyboard (yes I know the i-Pad Pros have one as an option) and I may start to wish for a big screen to properly edit my images on. The fact that this post is sans a picture is highly relevant...

There is a big part of me that would be happy to never switch on a computer/tablet/phone again - rediscover the joys of talking to people face to face, of writing letters, sitting down and researching stuff in a library, not knowing the football scores until the classified check on the radio, walking around all day without knowing the answer to a question, having to find a call box (and a fistful of change) when out.... no, maybe not....


Derek Faulkner said…
I totally agree with your last paragraph, what good old-fashioned joy it would be, as for the rest of your comments - all a step too far for me.
No, we can't put the genie back in the bottle. I hate being disconnected from information
Steve Gale said…
As Simon says below Derek, it's all too late to go back more's the pity.
Steve Gale said…
It all moves so bloody fast though Simon
Skev said…
I'll be scuppered if/when my PC dies (Photoshop, MapMate). I won't be rushing to replace it with an Apple device, but equally I'll be frustrated at being forced into Windows 10 (or whatever is the latest OS when it happens). Happily it's very lively and reliable at the mi ......
Steve Gale said…
Computers - They're equally wonderful/pain in the arse.

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