Sunflower heart feeders

The sunflower hearts are very popular in the garden at the moment - we have a regular flock of six-eight Goldfinches, a local gang of House Sparrows that are frequent snackers, a shy female Blackcap, Nuthatch, marauding Ring-necked Parakeets, a few Greenfinch plus the odd Robin and Dunnock that put on balancing acts at the feeders, as well as a host of Chaffinches, Blackbirds, Wood Pigeons and Collared Doves (above) that hoover up the debris on the ground. Great Spotted Woodpecker has graced the scene just the once. I can spend hours watching the comings and goings. It is money well spent, not just for the help that it gives the birds throughout the winter but the sheer entertainment that the birds give in return.


Derek Faulkner said…
You are so lucky. I have marshes one side of me and large gardens full of shrubs and trees the other, plus my own well planted garden - what do I get, sparrows, sparrows and more sparrows and collared doves. It's really strange that finches so rarely visit.
Steve Gale said…
What food do you put out for them Derek?
Dylan Wrathall said…
I find watching our feeding station to be very therapeutic, much like staring at an aquarium or a real fire! House Sparrows dominate here on Thanet, much the same as Derek describes on Sheppey. However, diversity is provided by Collared Dove, Dunnock, Robin, Blue & Great Tit plus a veritable hoard of feral Rock Doves. Herring Gull, Carrion Crow and Magpie can be enticed with dinnertime left overs and the occasional Woodpigeon might drop in for a scratch about. Almost anything is possible during migration time and it is why I feed all year round - just never know what might turn up? - Dyl
Steve Gale said…
Do you get wintering Blackcaps Dyl?
Dylan Wrathall said…
Sadly no, that would be a real bonus, although they are regular during autumn migration - preferring the garden bird baths to the feeders?
Derek Faulkner said…
Sunflower hearts in several tubular feeders. Wild bird mixture on bird tables, plus wasted canary seed from my aviary and fat balls. I still get the odd pair of Tits nest each year but even they seem to have stopped coming much of the winter. I find the absence of finches quite odd.

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