The east wind doth blow...

... and we shall have snow (and Lapwings and Golden Plovers!!) A bitterly cold four hour sky watch at Canons Farm (between 10.00 - 14.00hrs), was some of the best patch birding that I've had the pleasure to experience. The spectacle of birds on the move is always a winner with me, although counting birds fleeing the cold weather is not exactly a joyous occasion for those creatures involved. Lapwings were already on the go when I arrived and kept steadily moving until well after 13.30hrs when they died off. My first Golden Plover flock didn't appear until quite late in the morning, but they then had a sudden burst, before dribbling on to the end. A bit of detail (all birds moving S to SW): Lapwing: 617 , comprised 42 groups, largest flock counts of 74, 51, 50, 40. Golden Plover: 170 , comprised 11 groups, sizes being 25, 30, 1, 2, 52, 5, 6, 22, 25, 1, 1 Fieldfare: 166 Skylark: 37 Redwing: 5 Meadow Pipit: 2 The wader counts are most probably modern-day record...