Returning thrushes

Canons Farm was the place of choice this morning, where I teamed-up with Geoff Barter for a long chat and a wide wander around the fields and hedgerows. On first arriving it was obvious that there were a few more thrushes about, with up to a dozen Blackbirds (above), 65 Fieldfares and six Redwings. Other species flocking to get our attention included 40 Stock Doves, 200 Starlings and 100  Linnets. It is pleasing to find that 'our' Yellowhammers are still being site faithful, with four birds (three males) being found. Try as we might there was no summer migrant to remind us of the coming season, but we are patient souls if nothing else.


Still some redwing in the cemetery here yesterday, I was really rather surprised to see them so late into March
Steve Gale said…
Listen out for their sub-song Simon, quite a racket when the flock get going

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