A dribble south

One of those 'whole is greater than the sum of its parts' mornings.

Canons Farm was calm and cold when I arrived at 07.00hrs, with frost in selected hollows. I will admit to wearing a thin pair of gloves, but soon felt wimpish as a group of dog walkers strode past me in t-shirts and shorts - however, they were on the move, where as I was about to embark on a spell of standing still to vismig...

Honking geese were soon all around me, as a loose group of 50 birds flew in and settled on Doric Field, all Canada save for a single Greylag and three who's parentage probably involved a Bar-headed. As soon as they settled down a new sound was above me - two noisy Golden Plover that flew through southwards. A small dribble of passerines were following in their wake, so I settled down to count and identify them. Commonest were Meadow Pipits, just ones and twos but a couple of flocks numbered c20. A total of 100 was reached. Skylarks were also on the move, and although up to 20 stayed firmly on the farm a further 44 passed south. Hirundines were in smaller numbers still, but did include four late Sand Martins. Also moving was a single Grey Wagtail and 13 Jays, that purposefully headed south in flocks of 4, 4, 3, 1, 1.

By now the sun was injecting a bit of warmth into the day, and along with Geoff B we searched the farm along Reeds Rest Lane which yielded five Stonechats and a Tree Pipit on the fence line at RR Bottom, up to 10 Common Buzzards, a Red Kite, 400 Stock Doves, 4 Chiffchaffs and 8 Yellowhammers.


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