Botanical rarities (2)

More 'old' rare plants. More blog filler.

Diapensia (Diapensia lapponica) Fraoch Beinn, Grampian 26 June 2006
Only known from this very site, a mountain top at 760m.
Try as we might to find a flower, it was over, apart from a couple of buds that had not yet opened -  a few mostly covered petals being seen. Desperate botanising. It's a fair climb and descent, no paths, so I doubt that I'll be going back!
Drooping Saxifrage (Saxifraga cernua) Ben Lawers, Perth 12 July 2008
Recorded in fewer than 15 different 10x10km grid squares in the British Isles since 1987.
I know I said that there would be no Ben Lawers stuff in this mini-series, but I've not published this image before, as it isn't that good. And the reason for it not being that good is that it was taken in driving rain in a force 6-7 wind, so it's surprising that the image came out at all! A terribly shy flowerer, most botanists just get to see the red bulbils, as this photograph shows.
Deptford Pink (Dianthus armeria) Somewhere in Kent 2010
Recorded in fewer than 100 different 10x10km grid squares in the British Isles since 1987.
This flower pops up in Kent (among other counties) in various places but is vulnerable where it does so, hence no site given. It is always good to see a pink, especially if you’re not expecting to.


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