Photographic catch-up

Time in the field has been reduced of late, and my mind is largely elsewhere, so here are a few snapshots of inverts that have come my way rather than having been hunted down.

Privet Hawk-moth, Banstead. My second in the garden this summer.

Waved Black, Banstead. A smart moth, not annual here.

Scorched Wing, Banstead. I don't see too many of these moths, and hadn't noticed the purple staining on the underwing before.

Rose Chafer, Banstead Downs. I hadn't seen this large beetle until last month, now another comes along. Smart!

Stag Beetle, Banstead. This female was wandering along the pavement outside our house.


Stewart said…
Some great stuff there Steve, hope you are all well...
Yossarian said…
Excellent pictures - very useful too to us non-experts
Steve Gale said…
Thanks chaps!
Alastair said…
I remember Stag Beetles from my childhood in Banstead, it's a very long time since I've seen one.
Tim Saunders said…
Very smart camera work Steve. Have seen a couple of female stag beetles wandering the streets of South Sutton this week.

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