The art and reason of blogging...

I was given a wake-up call yesterday, when visiting a pub (The Dolphin at Betchworth), whilst out on a long walk with my brother-in-law Bill. As we stood at the bar, I glanced through into the room beyond  and spied somebody who I used to work with (seemingly in a previous life). Beers purchased, I went to say hello to Sandy, who I hadn't seen for seven years. It was lovely to make contact again, and to meet her twin sister. She then introduced me to the other couple at their table - Alan and his wife (who I have shamefully not remembered her name). Alan stood up and shook my hand - he is an avid reader of this very blog. I was, of course, flattered. He then mentioned that some of my posts had alerted him to the presence of various footpaths, the large Brambling flocks near Reigate... it made me realise that blog posting sometimes has a positive end result, beyond my scratching of an ego. It also got me thinking of the audience that it might well reach. Sometimes it can be easy to fall into the trap of assuming that all that any reader wants is to read about is rarity, big falls and migration - the truth is, certainly on a local level, that publishing a post that gives details of an unfrequented footpath, a flock of finches or a hot-spot for chats is far more worthy...

Thank you Alan! Footpaths coming up and more material for this blog! As a form of cheap compensation, I give you the only owl that I saw on my walk across the Surrey fields to the pub in which I met you.


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