Politically incorrect
This is Auricularia auricula-jadae. Its English name was once Jew's Ear, but the 'PC Police' paid it a visit and declared that in these more enlightened times it ought to be refered to as Jelly Ear. I can vouch from checking a number of peoples ears (from differing religions) that this fungus does not resemble the average Jewish persons ear. In fact, the closest that I can find to a match is that of a rugby-playing catholic. I took this picture this morning at Beddington Sewage Farm whilst on a grand sweep of the area with Tank/Smiler/Steve (everyone at Beddington now has at least three names). We also recorded a minimum of 14 Green Sandpipers (which included a flock of 7) and 5 Water Pipits. Even after the coldest December since the Earth's crust cooled, there is so much fresh Hemlock growth emerging that it beggars belief.