Dylan time

Blogs. One of the great things about them is that they vary so much. In the 'natural history' department of blogland we have the 'went there, seen that' type; the photographic showcase; the site specific and the stream of consciousness variety. There is a place for them all, but I enjoy mostly the latter. These blogs are like lucky dips - you just don't know what the post is going to be about and whether or not you will be informed, entertained, annoyed or delighted (or, at times, all four!). I still lament the demise of Gavin Haig's 'Not Quite Scilly' but I have a replacement, and that is Dylan Wrathall''s 'Of Esox and observations'. You can access it quickly by clicking here.

Dylan might rock a few boats and could be accused of telling it like it is, shooting from the hip, posting before thinking about the consequences and being provocative, but this is all good in my book. It shows that he cares, that he has an active mind and that he has a soul. I look forward to each new post with some excitement. Blogs like these make you think about what we do, how we do it and why we do it, often coming from a fresh angle. Sometimes you feel vindicated that somebody out there thinks the same way that you do and at other times a post can make the penny drop in your head and answer a question that you have been mulling over for weeks.

Any life is a journey, whether the road taken is as straight as a die or a meandering lane that has dead-ends, trees fallen across the path and places where the view is brilliant. The way that people approach natural history is no different. I'm constantly assessing what interests me, how much effort I put in and what is important to me. To some that is a waste of effort - surely it's enough to look at a Robin and bathe in its wonder - sorry, but that not what it is about for me. If I'm wasting brain cells in evaluating all the time then so be it - but I do genuinely enjoy the process - a bit like Dylan it would seen.


Dylan Wrathall said…
Steve, your praise is very humbling - comparing my non-sensical drivel to the wondrous "Not Quite Scilly" is, quite frankly, outrageous! If I were Gavin I'd be straight off to the lawyers - absolute slander sir, and no two ways about it!
Blogging is a fantastic medium in which to explore and exchange thoughts and opinions with people whom you'd, otherwise, never come into contact with. I love the ease with which I can comunicate my thoughts (I should be sponsored by Stella Artois) - but the best thing is that, yes, I can be a little brutal in my wording, not always pc in my general approach; no one forces individuals to read my stuff. What you see is exactly what you'll get - straight from the factory floor! That beer is getting ever closer (I hope) - take care and many thanks for the very generous praise - Dyl
Anonymous said…
Thanks for bringing Dylan's blog to my attention, Steve. It's a cracking read!

I think I'm onto my fourth incarnation of one kind or another now as a natural history blogger. It's been a metamorphosis from the very early days of having a Surfbirds blog that was very rare bird focused, through a larval state as a local patch birder, a period of reflection as a general server-up of provocative musings, and now (hopefully) entering a final and prolonged phase as a general observer of Stuff.

I wonder why we all blog? Is it answering some need in us all?
Steve Gale said…
Jon, why we blog is a difficult question to come up with an acceptable answer to. A mixture of sharing, showing off and and outlet for creativity is my best guess... take care, Steve

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