North Cornwall and beyond

Standing at the kitchen window I can quite literally see 6 Green Sandpipers feeding at the waters edge. I'm most certainly not in Banstead - I'm in Bude, north Cornwall, the bungalow in which we are staying backing onto Maer Lake. This property is heaven on earth to a birder, as you get unrestricted views across the reserve. We've been here before and from the garden I have recorded Wood Sandpiper, Ruff, Peregrine, Raven and Little Egret. The reserve list includes Citrine Wagtail, Semi-p Sandpiper, Wilson's Phalarope... I could go on. Needless to say, I'm keeping one eye on the lake and the other on a host of food and drink.

If you haven't done already, check out Dylan Wrathall's  latest offering over at 'Of Esox and observations' where he has re-sharpened  his claws and has gone for the pan-listing jugular. He does have some interesting points to make and I will be responding in a post soon. A lively (but friendly) debate may ensue!


Anonymous said…
Ah Bude... historically one of the great sites for the fabulous M.arion.

Am a little over-awed by the sheer scale of the pan-listing prospect. Have registered on the new website, but realise to my horror the immense amount of head-scratching that will ensue trying to remember what flies, bees,beetles, grasses, mosses, lichens etc I have seen in the past 30 odd years of actually noticing these things. For now, my registration is without a single number to my name. I don't even, these days, know how many bird species I've seen in the UK... I stopped keeping count years ago.

Perhaps I'm afraid to start counting again. I fear it's a slippery slope, and I'm not sure I like the competitive ethos...
Steve Gale said…
Jon, ignore the competitive element, it is not something that others most of those listed - for most people it is a personal challenge. I'm not as driven by the whole thing as I was, but still maintain a list anyway. It does at least make me far more aware of what is around me. Good luck with the counting!
Dylan Wrathall said…
Steve, if, as you say, the majority of those involved do so for the personal challenge; why the need for a league table?
Hoping that Bude is proving to be a pleasant break - Widemouth Manor is owned by a family friend - Rick Perry (best man at my brother, Tim's wedding - have some very fond memories of holidays down there.
I didn't think that my claws were that sharp - my effort is rather mild in comparison to the original swipe

Take care and enjoy your holiday - Dyl
Steve Gale said…
Dyl, such matters will be discussed in my up and coming post! Hope all is well with you and the family, S
Dylan Wrathall said…
Steve, the (my little) world is good - Dyl

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