Must try harder

Maybe I'd find one of these Wrynecks, Barred Warblers or Melodious Warblers if I actually went out into the field, rather than watch re-runs of Mad Men, listening to The Fall and reading William Boyd. Oh, and there is the debacle of staying in to pay Sky for the privilege of observing Tottenham getting a spanking from Liverpool.

Must try harder. Must try harder. Must try harder. Must try harder.
Must try harder. Must try harder. Must try harder. Must try harder.
Must try harder. Must try harder. Must try harder. Must try harder.
Must try harder. Must try harder. Must try harder. Must try harder.
Must try harder. Must try harder. Must try harder. Must try harder.
Must try harder. Must try harder. Must try harder. Must try harder.
Must try harder. Must try harder. Must try harder. Must try harder.
Must try harder. Must try harder. Must try harder. Must try harder.
Must try harder. Must try harder. Must try harder. Must try harder.

There, that feels better, just need to beat myself over the back with a birch branch, rub salt in the wounds and then get up tomorrow morning, polish the bins and stride out onto a prime Surrey inland patch and pretend that I'm on the east coast. One of those drift migrants will surely be waiting for me...


laurence.d said…
Steve,your a Spurs fan? (me too) you suffer enough!
Steve Gale said…
I feel your pain Laurence...
Unknown said…
I shall quote the famous Nelson Muntz, "Ha, ha!"
Steve Gale said…
Andrew, The Simpsons has not been on my viewing list, but I will respond with a "Doh!"
Rob said…
I've been feeling the same. Between weddings/stag-dos to attend and giving up a weekend to see the fringe festival I was really feeling like I've not been out nature watching for far too long. Then I went and broke my foot on the last day of the fringe and I'm looking at a couple of months before I can really get around much :(

Enjoy the migrations!
Steve Gale said…
Rob. Broken foot = more time to swot up on ID features. When you return to the field you will be on fire!!!!

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