Daughter's know best

Being a miserable git for a lot of the time, it is surprising that my wife and daughters still find the inclination to be kind to me. Today was Father's Day, one which I always tell them to not worry about - "a load of marketing tosh" - but each year they ignore me and shower me with gifts, cards and love. Today was no different, and after a breakfast accompanied by presents, they suggested a trip out to Pulborough Brooks RSPB reserve - I needed no persuasion!

The trip down was highlighted by a low-flying Red Kite in the Billingshurst area, and our arrival at Pulborough was accompanied by the sun coming out and a boost in the temperature. We initially wandered the heathland section where dogs (and our cocker spaniel) can walk. After a gourmet picnic lunch we then waved goodbye to wife/mother (and dog) so that Father and daughters could enter the reserve proper and head down to the edge of the brooks. Bird wise it was understandably quiet, but the plants made up for this with highlights being plenty of Corn Spurrey and a patch of Bugloss. A single Painted Lady was found amongst the more numerous Small Tortoiseshells. It was all most agreeable.

Back at the visitor centre we had to sample the famous (and excellent) cakes. Elder daughter Rebecca was also furnished with her first pair of binoculars, as she is going on an African safari later in the year, (where, I suggested, being without optics would be a terrible state of affairs). All I will have to do is come to terms with a mass gripping off in the autumn, when she returns home with tales of the wildlife that she will have seen! We came home via the Dog and Duck (and pint) at Kingsfold. What a lovely day - thanks girls!


Factor said…
Glad you had a stress-free day with the family. Sounds lovely.
Derek Faulkner said…
Nice one Steve, daughters are wonderful people. I've had a stepdaughter for 40 years and she has been amazing.
And you own a dog - another tick in the right box.
Steve Gale said…
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Steve Gale said…
It was Neil, rounded off with an England U-21 win at the Euros.
Steve Gale said…
Amber the Cocker Spaniel, who we've had from a puppy. She is almost 11 now Derek.

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