Chats - what's not to like?

You can never have too many chats. The past month at Dungeness did not see particularly good numbers unfortunately, and it was a case of appreciating them all the more when they did appear.

Black Redstart on the power station boulders. I have seen an arrival of 100+ in the early 1980s
Northern Wheatear - very few around, and none of the hoped for rarer species
A male Stonechat, outside West Beach on my last morning


Derek Faulkner said…
I note that you say "Northern Wheatear - very few around", I would also say that there are very few people who call them that. I've looked on the internet and can't find a Southern Wheatear so why do we need a name change from Wheatear to Northern Wheatear. Was it just to satisfy the needs of those birdwatchers who feel that they are a cut above the rest of us and therefore invent more important sounding names.
Steve Gale said…
There is more than one wheatear species, so the use of 'Wheatear' to differentiate it from any other wheatear species would be obviously flawed. Not a case of being 'a cut above' at all.
Derek Faulkner said…
Don't agree Steve, the other Wheatears all have their own individual names that identify them, so my not simple Wheatear as a stand alone species. That name was OK for countless years before it changed and let's face it, most people still refer to it as a Wheatear, even the KOS Annual report, so why do you among a minority of people, still use Northern Wheatear.
Steve Gale said…
Derek, I respect your decision not to call it a Northern Wheatear - please respect mine to do so.

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