Dungeness interlude

A two-day trip to the shingle, staying at 'Hotel Hollingworth' where the current offers included a single-malt taster session, Champions League football, Tom Petty playing live in the lounge and personal chauffeur. I well may re-book...

A bit of a whistle-stop tour of the pits and avian highlights that resulted in a tidy total without much effort being needed - the drake Ring-necked Duck on Cooke's Pool was still present, the two roosting Long-eared Owls put in a welcome appearance by the dipping pool, both first-winter and second-winter Iceland Gulls were seen over the patch, a literal 'wild-goose' chase provided both five White-fronted and a single Pink-footed, plus back up sightings such as Smew, Peregrine, Merlin and Mediterranean Gulls. The sea was lively, as good numbers of Guillemots (2000), Razorbill (50) and Great Crested Grebe (330) littered the waves, with a steady offshore passage that included Red-throated Divers, Gannets, Fulmars and Brent Geese. It was a pleasure to catch up with many of the Dungeness 'family', including Chris P, Dave W, Martin C, Pete B, Pam S, Paul T and Barry C. A few dodgy record shots follow...

Drake Goldeneye on Burrowes...
...with a female close by
Redhead Smew from the Christmas Dell hide
Turnstone that interrupted my sea watch
Very dodgy record shot of the drake Ring-necked Duck


Great shots, I love seeing goldeneye
Steve Gale said…
Thanks Simon, I was pleased with the Gannet. Amazing what a bridge camera can do.
Stewart said…
A good two days away there Steve!
Steve Gale said…
It certainly was Stewart, with very little effort involved.
Factor said…
You timed it well by the looks of it. I need to get back down there soon - it's too quiet locally!
Steve Gale said…
Hurry up Neil, the Bewick's Swans have already departed!

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