Afternoon delight!

I never turn my nose up at one of these - a male Common Redstart - and it enlivened an otherwise pedestrian post-lunch visit to Priest Hill.


Tony Brown said…
Now Steve...that is Spring on a branch - what a beauty!
Steve Gale said…
Too bloody right Tony...
Gibster said…
You look at Ewell Village, then Epsom town centre and then the ugly sprawl that begins at Cheam and think that something as fantastic as a Redstart can drop in amongst that noisy, smelly conglomeration...bloody brilliant find, mate. Priest Hill is definitely treating you kindly.
Steve Gale said…
There is beauty amongst it all Seth. A mate and I visited a small Cheam park almost every day in 1983 just to see what would pass through - the results were quite surprising.
Stewart said…
Lovely, a highlight on any occasion...
Steve Gale said…
Aye Stewart, the cherry on the icing!

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