Azores day one
After the crew mopped up on Shetland earlier in the month (with seven selfies, 28 likes and a retweet from none other than Captain Wank) we decided to hit the Azores to hoover up all of the Yank vagrants. But before we did there was the small matter of the Cornish Catbird, so the crew got back together at Big Dick's House - that's me, Pipit Shagger and our new member Spunkwit. What a birding possee!! After a fraught drive through the night we were relieved that the bird was still there, pointed out to us by a passing cyclist who reassured us that it didn't have a tail - we must have been looking at the wrong field guide... anyway, we all uploaded a load of images via Spunkwit's big lens - I'm sure that there haven't been many pictures taken of this particular bird. Our's were shite to be honest, but you could easily make out the tell tale whiskers.
Anyhow, back to the Azores. It took us three days to get to Corvo where we were met by one of the top Western Palearctic listers Phlegm Goran Erikssen. Together with a load of middle-aged men we climbed a heavily wooded mountain to get untickable views of several American rares, none of which we had heard of or were able to identify. Never to mind, we just went along to the evening log and then wrote down anything that was called out - after all, we must have seen them. So today my WP list is now on an awesome 256, with today's additions including Greater Trumpstart and a Weeryoe. Our combined tweeting got us 23 likes, 4 retweets and a comment from none other than Corvo pioneer Peter Alfafa. This is top tweetage! Spunkwit also managed to self-find a Portugeuse custard tart! Legend!!
What will tomorrow bring? Whatever it will be our crew won't know until one of the kind European birders points it out to us. Maybe we ought to remain in the EU after all... But we will be at the ready, Big Dick with his phone to take selfies, Pipit Shagger to get too close to the rares, Spunkwit with his big lens and me to tweet incessantly about the first thing that comes into my head. TOP BIRDING!!
Anyhow, back to the Azores. It took us three days to get to Corvo where we were met by one of the top Western Palearctic listers Phlegm Goran Erikssen. Together with a load of middle-aged men we climbed a heavily wooded mountain to get untickable views of several American rares, none of which we had heard of or were able to identify. Never to mind, we just went along to the evening log and then wrote down anything that was called out - after all, we must have seen them. So today my WP list is now on an awesome 256, with today's additions including Greater Trumpstart and a Weeryoe. Our combined tweeting got us 23 likes, 4 retweets and a comment from none other than Corvo pioneer Peter Alfafa. This is top tweetage! Spunkwit also managed to self-find a Portugeuse custard tart! Legend!!
What will tomorrow bring? Whatever it will be our crew won't know until one of the kind European birders points it out to us. Maybe we ought to remain in the EU after all... But we will be at the ready, Big Dick with his phone to take selfies, Pipit Shagger to get too close to the rares, Spunkwit with his big lens and me to tweet incessantly about the first thing that comes into my head. TOP BIRDING!!