A savage, uneducated child

"Savage nations, uneducated people and children have a great predilection for vivid colours"
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe, 1810

That quote appears in Kassia St.Clair's wonderful book 'The Secret of Colour'.

What does that therefore say about me and my artwork?...


Gillian Osborne said…
Looks like we are BOTH savages then pet!
Steve Gale said…
Look like it Gill. Enjoyed reading your blog, keep at it!
Peter Alfrey said…
'Capitalist Slave Nations, their conformed masses and unloved children have a great predilection for the monochromatic'
Steve Gale said…
Welcome home Peter!
John said…
I am in awe Steve!
Steve Gale said…
You are too kind John.
bob smith said…
the context of Goethe words would be interesting.
Do I detect a homage to Van Gogh in the first work and to Cecil Collins in the second?
Steve Gale said…
More Hockney's Yorkshire landscapes Bob

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