Too close?

There was a good tweet posted on Twitter yesterday, basically suggesting that photographs of birds placed in their habitat are far more pleasing than a close-up shot of the species. I couldn't agree more! Now, it could be that I agree with this sentiment because it is easier for me to obtain decent 'bird/habitat' images with a bridge camera (as with the migrant Whinchat shown above) than it is to get feather-by-feather detail  - however, there is something undeniably satisfying with a picture where the bird is just a part of the composition. It somehow breathes.

By the way, have you noticed how quite a few people are now referring to the taking of a photograph as a 'capture' and using it in verb form too? Not to keen on that myself.


Derek Faulkner said…
Your sentiment is one that I have expressed a few times, if nothing else it gives people an idea what a bird will look like in it's natural setting, from the kind of distance that they can expect to see it.
dmcjournal said…
I've been as guilty as anyone at trying to get those frame-filling pictures but whenever I see one like the above it's always very satisfying, makes me feel as if I'm there rather than looking at a photograph. I think it's why I enjoy this blog so much, your words and pictures always manage to take me from where I am and put me at your side.
Steve Gale said…
I hadn't thought of it quite like that Derek. Good point.
Steve Gale said…
Dave, that is a touching comment. Many thanks.
Stewart said…
Hi, Great Capture. Pretentious bunkum.
Steve Gale said…
Shame it wasn't a rare...

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