Golden Gav

One of the joyful by-products of blogging is getting to know other bloggers and their wonderful blogs. As is the case in all walks of life, some bloggers are more comfortable at blogging than others - they write well, come up with fresh thoughts, and package it all in a most inclusive and accessible way. I could name several who fit this category, but forgive me if I ‘big’ up just the one at this moment in time.

Gavin Haig (Not Quite Scilly) has been a purveyor of fine blog posts for many a year, although he had become an infrequent blogger of late, with just six posts between January - September of this year. I don’t know what happened to him at the start of October, but whatever it was it has injected him with the manic fervour of a born-again blogger. He has posted 25 times in the past seven weeks, and not just any old filler but really well-crafted prose.

He has recently written a fine series of posts analysing the subject of ‘Dodgy Birders’. This thread has taken on a life of its own, culminating in a surprising and enlightening communication... you can read the denouement by clicking here but I strongly urge you to read Gav’s whole input.

It would be nice to think that the NQS blog is back with us on a regular basis, although if we are just witnessing a brief but wonderful blossoming of wordsmithery then will will just have to be grateful for that, and wait patiently for more. If nothing else, it’s a timely reminder to the rest of us bloggers to up our game...


Dylan Wrathall said…
Right out of the top drawer, an absolutely fascinating series of posts. You're right we'll all need to up our game if we are to compete with this masterly display of blogging.
Derek Faulkner said…
Agree re. the "Dodgy Birders" series by Gavin. Perhaps the answer is to write sparingly until inspiration properly returns. We're all guilty of knocking out crap stuff for the sake of it, or out of habit, or because other people expect it.
Ric said…
But what about the man himself?
This was more than blog output and quality of prose.
Dylan Wrathall said…
It was great that Alan Vittery had the platform to offer his own slant on these sad events, yet if not for Gavin and his thought train, none of us would be any the wiser?
Either which way, there can be no doubt that this was blogging at it's very best who ever is responsible?
Stewart said…
Here here Steve, top stuff!
Gavin Haig said…
Well, now I'm blushing. Thank you very much Steve. And all of you.

As you know, the Dodgy Birders series culminated in an opportunity for me to repay a small debt of gratitude for a kindness shown many years ago. Totally unanticipated and bizarre. It reminded me of something I already knew, ie, a blogger's words might be 'just another post' to the author, but frequently they will strike a chord and resonate somewhere, and touch someone's life in unexpected ways. I know this because all the blogs I read have at some time done that to me. You know who you are!

Keep on truckin' dudes...

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