Sigma men
Are you a Sigma male? This relatively new 'character type' has been put forward by Ric (see comments section for last post) as an explanation as to why I (and people like us) think and behave as we do. So how do you know if you are one? A quick online search suggests that you (we, I) are if:
You love being alone but value other people.
You are a silent leader.
You can adapt to different situations.
Treat everybody around you the same way.
Doesn't need a social circle to be yourself.
Understands the importance of silence.
Morally grey (or worse)
Hates living life safely.
Social skills could use some work.
Incredibly self-aware.
Master of own fate.
Could be an alpha male if wanted.
Hmmm... I started off thinking that, yes, I must be one, but as the 12 points continued found that I disagreed that they were describing me at all. I have highlighted those that I identify with strongly in bold and those that I do not in italic. Those in blue I do not feel strongly one way or another.
Alpha male? No, I'm definitely not.
Beta male? Not that either.
Sigma male? On the above criteria not a whole one, but more Sigma than the other two.
Or maybe it really is just all a load of old b.....
Just something I came across while endeavouring to make sense of the world I live in.