Is this Early Meadow-grass?

I took myself off to Thursley Common today and had a great time. The weather was immaculate, there were Woodlarks and Redstarts serenading me wherever I went and the air was full of the coconut whiff of Gorse and the warming sniff of pine resin. There was enough of interest to populate several posts, so I'll keep my powder dry for later in the week. However...

On a part of the reserve where the ground rises and the growth is regenerating from the devastating fire of a couple of years ago, I found several examples of this tiny grass growing on compacted sand. The fresh yellowy-green leaves and the jizz of the plants suggested to me that they might be Early Meadow-grass, but I'm way off being a grass expert. Are there any of you out there that fancy commenting? It would be welcomed.


FAB said…
I'm no expert Steve but it looks much paler and flatter than Annual M-g and from memory I think Early M-g produces seed and dies by the end of May - very early June so your ID could well be spot on.
Steve Gale said…
Thanks Frank. Good to hear from you and I hope that you are keeping well. I also hope that your initial thoughts on the grass are correct!
Graeme Lyons said…
Hi Steve
Again sorry I posted here a few days ago but it didn't work for some reason. I am not sure about the grass. the clincher is the size and shape of the anthers really. Also, the whole plant was greeny-yellow. I can see one leaf in your photo that is a more typical AMG colour. Yellowish AMGs are common, especially if impoverished. I would say not sure. It took me three attempts to find this species!

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