Not Quite Scilly - RIP

Gavin Haig has pulled the plug on his blog of three years, Not Quite Scilly. I had several reasons why I took to his blog. Firstly, he was a London lad who had escaped to forge a new birding life in South Devon, something that I would have loved to emulate. Secondly, he was about my age, and I knew of him as a Staines Reservoir regular. Thirdly, and most importantly, he had the knack of writing his posts with wit and enthusiasm that required me to open a new post with genuine anticipation. And lastly, he was one of the first unsolicited bloggers that made contact with me when I first launched North Downs and Beyond back in 2008.

I admire all bloggers, however their posts are constructed. They open up their worlds to us and have a wish to share their passions with complete strangers. With Gavin, you didn't just get an update on what he, or other birders in the Seaton area had seen, you also got to share in his thoughts, his hopes and his history. There is plenty of room for nostalgia and opinion in this sphere, but those blogs that successfully demonstrate our love of natural history in multi-faceted ways are few. And now it is one fewer.

However, maintaining a blog is a commitment. The joy and initial rush that we can get from sending out our missives to the world can lose their gilded edge with time and, to be honest, if it all becomes too much of a chore then why would anyone want to carry on? So, my search is on to find another in the same mould. Any suggestions will be investigated thoroughly.


Nick Croft said…

can I recommend this fine post

informed, educational (bit like yours), and very interesting. Sublime! However if it's ridiculous you want don't go for the Wanstead Birders blog

Steve Gale said…
Thanks for the tip off Nick, and good luck with your ornithological targets!

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