On my knees at Reigate Heath

Knotted Clover - in good number
Birdsfoot - I've never seen so much
Burrowing Clover - hidden amongst the dwarf vegetation
Annual Knawel - still going strong
As you leave Reigate on the A25 heading towards Dorking, you will see a cricket pitch on your left hand side, flanked on one side by a row of chocolate-box cottages. This is the edge of Reigate Heath. Now park up and walk towards the bus stop that you can clearly see not 100m away. Now turn towards the cricket square and walk no more than 10m. At your feet you will find a marvellous selection of all the plants pictured above. If you carry on further, maybe another 70m, you will start to find Chamomile. All of these are diminutive plants in stature and all are doing well if todays visit is anything to go by. Maybe they all like dry springs followed by a wet, cooler spell. But hurry - they can all be burnt off if the sun returns!


Kingsdowner said…
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Flora said…
Always worth getting into the unladylike (not a problem for you) botanist's prayer position to have a look at little plants. Wicked beautiful they are. Thanks for posting. Never seen annual knawel and always fail to get a good shot of the gorgeous flowers on birdsfoot. You spur me on to go and search some arable field edges.
Kingsdowner said…
A good haul there (although the busy A25 must have had a good view of your back-end with your nose in the grass.

I wish I had stopped there instead of at Headley Heath, when in the area.
Graeme Lyons said…
Is Knawal pronounced the same as Narwhal? I need that little bugger but it's not looking likelky I'll get out of Sussex any time soon.
Steve Gale said…
Steve: When you next visit Surrey it is worth detouring to Reigate Heath - I could also show you further botanical delights nearby.

Mel: Knawel is easy to miss, even when you are standing right on top of it.

Graeme: I bet you would sooner add Narwhal to your pan-species list! And yes, it is pronounced the same.

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