Is this why you blog?

A good friend of mine, after considering that my recent posts were of a 'reflective' nature, asked me if I was OK. This took me by surprise, so I asked my wife (who also finds the time to read my waffle) whether she thought that his observation was correct. She agreed with him, adding that my posts often betrayed a whiff of 'unfulfillment'. Blimey...

I took a look back through the past few months worth of my posts and I have to agree with them. There is a lot of wistful thinking, looking back, shoe-gazing and self-analysis. Is this something to concern myself about? Is it healthy? Am I guilty of doing it right now? (No, yes and very much so are my answers to those questions by the way).

This blog has never been about 'went there, saw that'. There is nothing wrong with those sort of blogs at all, especially when they are backed up by superb photography and boys-own adventures in the field. If I followed that format I would very soon have nothing to say! I've always used this vehicle as a way of expressing myself, using natural history as a hanger to, well, hang it all from.

To me, my interest in natural history is interwoven into the fabric of my life as much as family, friendship, music, sport, literature and just about any other subject I might take an unhealthy interest in. If I pick at one thread the rest will most probably unravel with it. I've said as much in previous posts.

I think that there is an element of reflection in even the driest of posts to be found in blogland, whether it be the expression of simple joy at seeing a rarity or a swipe at the poor weather - they are just different shades of the same thing. It is a natural human emotion to want to express oneself through communicating, whether that be via painting, sculpture, music, writing, cooking - the list is endless.You cannot communicate without putting some of yourself into it, there is bound to be some leakage of personality involved. I'm convinced that those of us that blog do so because we want to perform to an audience, using the medium of natural history to hide behind as much as share in our observations thereof. Most of us are shy entertainers, unsure of whether or not we will be thought of as flambouyant show-offs or even if anybody out there will be interested in the slightest.

So there we have it - another post without a mention of the wildlife that this blog is meant to be about. Tomorrow I will offer my thoughts on Syria, followed by a list of my favourite books, an appreciation of Denis Law and a recipe for Spaghetti Carbonara.


Billy Dykes said…
Fully psyched for your carbonara recipe. No pressure or anything.
Steve Gale said…
Bill, I need to direct you to my cookery blog 'Sniffing Delia's Apron' - coming soon!

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