You couldn't make it up
So, Richard Benyon, the government minister responsible for wildlife protection at Defra (Department Environment, Food and Rural Affairs), puts the welfare of the introduced Pheasant, (and the wishes of the shooting lobby), ahead of the legally protected Common Buzzard.
You can read all about it here.
The article spells it all out - Mr Benyon is a monied landowner with interests in shooting and fishing. What possessed 'the powers that be' to employ this sort of person to look after our wildlife when that very same person has vested interests in suppressing (or controlling) said wildlife for personal gain is beyond me. A bit like asking bankers to police the banking system...
You can read all about it here.
The article spells it all out - Mr Benyon is a monied landowner with interests in shooting and fishing. What possessed 'the powers that be' to employ this sort of person to look after our wildlife when that very same person has vested interests in suppressing (or controlling) said wildlife for personal gain is beyond me. A bit like asking bankers to police the banking system...
Benyon's a grade-A self-serving shyster. If we really wanted to reduce pheasant mortality we'd ban cars and cull toffs! It's amazing how many conflicts of interest one man can accrue in such an important role and still keep it.
See also - the frankly shady goings on with Walshaw Moor, his refusal to grant a Carbofuran ban or implement vicarious liability while also owning a large shooting estate in Berkshire, the gravel extraction business tearing up 218 acres of woodland on his family's property against the advice of the local wildlife trusts; and his stance on canoe access on rivers given his ownership of fishing rights on the rivers Pang and Kennett.