Ring Ouzel at Priest Hill

Yes I know that the image above is not quite in focus - that you are having to peer between branches of a bush - and look through a strand of barbed-wire fence - but at least you can share in my joy of this morning's male Ring Ouzel at Priest Hill. It even drew a crowd of admirers, as four birders made the trip once twitter 'twatted'. The bird stayed in Bunting Field for up to an hour, but was very wary and flighty, so I largely let it be.

As some form of compensation for the poor pic, have a male Kestrel from this morning...


How can such a powerful bird be so light?
Steve Gale said…
If you hold one Simon you get to appreciate how little body there is and how much is feathers.
Gibster said…
BOOM! (haha...) Brilliant bird, you must have been thrilled!
Steve Gale said…
I wuz chuffed Seth... (BOOM my arse...)

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