More stripey shieldbug action

Banstead Downs is within a 10-15 minute stroll from home. My mission this morning was to try and track down the colourful shield-bug Graphosoma italicum, a species that is starting to appear in southern Britain. I had tried to find it earlier in the summer, when an individual was found close to the downs. Although I failed then, reward came courtesy of several Lixus iridis, a scarce weevil.

I was some way short of the italicum site when I checked a stand of Hogweed, and BINGO!, there it was, just the one, in all its glory. I could only stay a short while, so whether or not there are others present is good reason for me to return.


Conehead54 said…
Good to see these arrive in the UK! So familiar with seeing them in southern Europe on various Apiaceae.
Steve Gale said…
More than happy myself Conehead!
Gibster said…
That's a very smart beast, as is the weevil. Jealous!
Debbs said…
Wow! What an absolute stunner!
Steve Gale said…
Seth - next time you’re down...

Debbs - it is indeed!

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