Nature notes

Yesterday was taken up by wandering the Surrey Hills, mostly in the company of brother-in-law Bill. A cool dawn start at Box Hill saw a modest westerly passage of Common Swifts (59) with single Sand Martin and Swallow going in the same direction. The first sign of Woodpigeons flying purposefully south off of the scarp was also evident - there will be thousands doing the same thing by October and November.

An 11-mile hike across the landscape was then enjoyed, starting and finishing at Denbies Hillside, taking in Ranmore Common, Polesden Lacey, Leatherhead, the River Mole to Westhumble and finally back up the hill along the side of the vineyard.

A few highlights:

Greater Dodder - this rarity was found on two nettle patches, at Leatherhead and Westhumble
A family party of Swallows were being fed by their parents along the banks of the river
A brief spell of sun saw a patch of brambles come alive with butterflies, including this battered White Admiral


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