The circle

The central blue dot is home, and the white outer circle shows 5km distance. Within it lies a number of my regular haunts. The question is, how many species can I record here in a year, purely on foot - starting from tomorrow?

Another half-thought-out crackpot project, but something that I can do in-between other things. Why do it? Well, firstly, for my own entertainment. But also as an illustration as to what can be found close to home - any home. Granted, it isn't in the middle of a city, but one look at that map reveals an awful lot of building. What lurks between?

Most effort will be placed on birds, butterflies, moths and plants, although I will keep an eye out for other life-forms, if they grab my attention. I don't have a target in mind although I'd be disappointed if 1,000 species isn't reached. 1,500?

I doubt it, but let's find out.


Skev said…
Remember the inaugural 2013 '1000 in 1km square' challenge? If I can find 1138 species in a calendar year in my habitat-poor home square, you could be blasting 3000+ sp. in the 10km diameter circle from your home with a proper intensive effort! But I reckon you'd be better restricting your area to a smaller square, even if that feels like your 'culling' habitat. You'd be even more surprised at your total then.
Steve Gale said…
I thought smaller Skev, but it didn’t take in places that I really wanted to include for emotional reasons.
Gibster said…
Can't believe you haven't labelled Epsom Common ;) Marsh Frog is in Baron's Pond (Wilmerhatch Lane) which may be the only site for it in your Circle. The amount of different habitats/geologies in that area I'd be surprised if you don't top 1K without even touching a microscope. You DO have a microscope..?
Steve Gale said…
No Seth, I don’t. Good hand lens though...
Epsom Common only appears a little bit. No Stew Ponds.k

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