Anatomy of a patch watcher
To be a successful patch worker you need...
Blind faith - "That flock of Linnets will, one day, attract a Common Rosefinch"
Determination - "If I check that flock of Linnets three times a day I will find a Common Rosefinch"
Imagination - "That sparrow-like bird with the Linnet flock could have been a Common Rosefinch"
Appreciation - "My goodness, doesn't that flock of Linnets (without a Common Rosefinch with them) look grand"
But it can all go wrong...
Envy - "That bastard down the road has had a Common Rosefinch in his Linnet flock and he only checks them twice a day"
Anger - "Why the bloody hell as every other Linnet flock within twenty miles got something in with them apart from my flock?"
Despair - "My life will never be complete until I find a Common Rosefinch in my Linnet flock. I'm a feeble, sad, lonely man and a crap birder to boot"
Defeat - "Sod this for a game of soldiers, I'm off to Dungeness. I hate Linnets"
Simon: Surely a birder from Kernow can do better than a Rosefinch. A yankee warbler at least!
DDipper: You are, as always, the voice of reason
John: I'd forgotten about stringing. maybe it is too painful an admission for me.
You've captured the many facets of patch birding very well!
And the password for leaving a comment was speaw, which is what you'd probably do when you finally hear about the rosefinch!