A rosy glow

Two consecutive days, two notable birds. It has become a Dungeness mantra that, this late in the spring, each birding day will be about that one solitary highlight - and so it has been. Yesterday it was Martin C's Honey-buzzard that took the plaudits. Today, with due respects to that raptor, it fell to a far more exotic bird to take centre stage - an exquisite adult male Rose-coloured Starling, all pale salmon pinks, shaggy crest and pink-tipped bill. After giving us the run-a-round for most of the afternoon it decided to show well this evening, near Hooker's Pit on the RSPB reserve. A truly stunning individual. And there was another rarity at Dungeness today - a genuinely hot and sunny day without a breath of wind... scorchio!!


Gibster said…
Reckon you'll still be there Saturday...maybe Sunday too.
Arjun Dutta said…
Hi Steve,
Love your blog.
I went to Dungeness yesterday for the first time, and after speaking to a group of birders about the Rose-coloured (possibly) found it by the road between where it was originally seen in the morning and the visitor centre, with a group of Common starlings at about 4:30pm.
When was it found again in the afternoon?
Steve Gale said…
Back home now Seth, after another day of goodies...
Steve Gale said…
Thank you for your kind words Arjun! I read your blog post about your day trip to Dungeness and it sounds very much like you did see the bird. You took some marvellous photographs during your visit - great stuff!

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