
Langley Vale Farm was awash with the colour red this morning, as a number of the fields that have been allowed to 'rewild' have found that the Common Poppy has taken a liking to them. In a few corners Opium Poppy is the dominant species, and in between this festival of poppies are huge numbers of Common Field Speedwell, Scarlet Pimpernel, Field Pansy, Black Bindweed... I could go on. Needless to say, it is a visual feast.

Also on show (and carrying on the red theme) were a minimum of nine Red Hemp-nettles (below), freshly coming into flower. This is a screaming rarity in the county.


Derek Faulkner said…
Absolutely amazing, to be able to feast on that view must be incredible.
Beautiful poppy field, our spectacular one has gone to make way for a relief road...
Steve Gale said…
And I do not take it for granted Derek.
Steve Gale said…
They do tend to pop up 'out of the blue' Simon. Keep your eyes peeled!

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