Spot Flys before the storm

If you live just north or west of Dungeness then you have my commiserations, as I watched several inches of rain fall on you this afternoon (above) from the comparative safety of the peninsula. That's not to say that we didn't get wet, because we did. The photograph above shows off the red-coloured Sheep's Sorrel a treat.

I spent a fair amount of time scanning eastwards from the 'Harry Cawkell Memorial Bench', something that relaxes me greatly. A steady trickle of hirundines moved through this morning, along with a Hobby, and there was a modest arrival of Spotted Flycatchers (10+). With plenty of rarities turning up around the country, we haven't given up hope of getting our reward down here.

This is a tester for anyone brave enough (or foolish enough) to have a go. What is it? The winner will receive a year's free subscription to North Downs and beyond. Second place will get two year's free... the old ones are he best ones..

In other news: I have spent too much time crushing the leaves of Fennel and getting hits from the aniseed vapour - marvellous!


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