Moths that won't keep still... this Tawny Pinion. I gave up in the end as it would only settle when it was cosy in a pot. I don't like to hold on to a moth for too long, so I accepted that the photo would include vibrating wings. However, the neatness of the thoracic crest is still obvious. This is only the eighth to be trapped in the garden in over 25 years.
This week I have been spending my lunchtimes walking the suburbia of the north Surrey sprawl trying to find a Holly Blue. I've not seen one in March before and what with the weather being perfect for early butterflies at the moment didn't want to miss my chance. Today the time spent peering into front gardens paid off as one of the little beauties fluttered down the middle of a road and made my day.
Dean: I haven't really attempted much micro photography, but will have a go.
Skev: I was banking on you having a technique to impart!