Back to work

After three months of bone-idleness I find myself back at work for the next fortnight - employed as a graphic designer in a small studio. My freelance career is thus launched. With a mixture of nervousness and excitement I entered the fray yesterday morning, but soon got into the swing of things. It helps that the other designers are very friendly and are kindly spoon-feeding me projects to work on.

I have hardly checked my phone for the past two days and 'summer migrants' are but a figment of other birders imagination, as I have seen precisely Chiffchaff, Blackcap and Sand Martin so far this spring - utter pants for April 8th! However, think of the adrenalin rush that I will get when I do wander out again in several days time, to be surrounded by singing Reed and Sedge Warblers, calling Cuckoos, displaying Bee-eaters, flocks of scything Alpine Swifts, lurking Bluethroats...

I'd better stop now.


mike N. said…
Good luck in the new job Steve-migrants are so slow this year anyway
Kingsdowner said…
It's what keeps you going Steve.
"What do you do for a living?" Looking at nature.
"What's your hobby?" Working.
Steve Gale said…
Thanks Mike, I'm hoping to pick up a day or two a week - that will suit me fine.
Steve Gale said…
Good to hear from you Steve. We really must have a meet this summer - maybe Grass-poly themed?
Kingsdowner said…
Yes Steve, we must.
The grass poly is currently submerged and will need some management when the water recedes.

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