Thrush rush!

There is something about watching birds on the move that is special. To see flocks fly past in a hurry, born out of instinct and necessity, is to witness a natural phenomena that predates our time on earth. My tastes in observing such movements are not fussy - they could be terns or waders over a sea; hirundines contouring low over a headland; or, like this morning, thrushes en route to their wintering grounds by flying over my back garden.

I was out at first light, but it took a good hour before the floodgates opened. By 09.15 it slowed, coming to a virtual halt by 10.30 hrs. My final total was of 4,145 Redwings, all moving west in flocks of up to 150-200 in size. None hung around. These were ably supported by 308 Chaffinches with a few Fieldfare and Brambling alongside. I'm now hoping for more of the same tomorrow...


We never really have those visitations here,apart from at work when the wagtails descend upon us
Steve Gale said…
You should get them over Nottinghamshire Simon. Keep a lookout tomorrow, early morning - even if it is just a few flocks of 20+
Jonathan Lethbridge said…
I think I've just written the same post Steve and I could not agree more!
Steve Gale said…
I've just read it - and do you know what Jono - even after seeing several thousand today, I'm sitting here excited about seeing a few more tomorrow. Proper birding!
Derek Faulkner said…
Not seeing reports of such movements here in Kent at the moment, Yellow-browed Warblers seem to be causing the most excitement, oh and a Red-breasted Flycatcher here on Sheppey.
Steve Gale said…
These Redwing movements can be localised and bypass the coast. Sometimes us inlanders get the cream!

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