Beddington Turnstone

I doubt that Turnstones are annual at Beddington, I've certainly seen very few over the years, so when a juvenile turned up there yesterday I was more than keen to pay the farm a visit today - my journey was hurried up by a Curlew Sandpiper dropping in during this morning's rain.

To cut a long story short, when I arrived, the Turnstone (and a Dunlin) promptly flew off westwards and there was no sign of the Curlew Sandpiper - ho hum...

After a couple of big beefy showers, which sent me scurrying for shelter, subsequent checks away from the North Lake revealed 6 Green Sandpiper, 3 Common Sandpiper and, on the new 'restored grassland' flood, the Turnstone, that fed just feet away from me, totally unconcerned by my presence.

Also recorded were an eclipse male Red-crested Pochard (above), 2 Little Egrets, 6 Common Swift, a handful of Swallows, House and Sand Martins during the rain and plenty of warblers in with the tit flocks, mostly Blackcaps, Whitethroats and Chiffchaffs.


Nice photographs there!
Yossarian said…
That cloud looks like it thought about dropping a little tornado!
Steve Gale said…
Point and shoot bridge cameras do all the work. And yes, that cloud was a bit naughty not long after the picture was taken.

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