Natural design

Sometimes, rather than spending our time trying to put a name to everything that we see, let nature show itself to us, a reminder that there is design, form, pattern and an awful lot going on that just doesn't need labelling, collating and identifying. Ironically, even though I offer up today's images from Box Hill with such thoughts, I have identified them...sort of defeats the message behind this post, doesn't it?

Ancient Yew roots, with accompanying caverns that are home to Badgers and Hobbits! Art Deco in composition.

Carline Thistles, pale golden silk pouches on Charles Rennie Mackintosh styled candelabra


Factor said…
Cracking picture of the Yews. Roger Dean eat your heart out
Steve Gale said…
Showing your age there Neil...
Factor said…
True but we were probably both influenced by him during A level art!

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