Deep thought

When the weather is like this, and the prospects muted, I often embark upon a long walk. I must have crunched across 15 miles of shingle and, in lieu of birds, found myself in deep thought - mainly thinking about Dungeness, what it means to me and how it has changed. Fuel for a future post.

The 'November plants in flower list' shows no signs of slowing. It has now reached 118 species with today's additions being garden pansy, broom, snapdragon, ice plant, white ramping fumitory, rest harrow, ivy-leaved speedwell, common knapweed, tubular water-drop wort and lesser trefoil. It was also good to see that a local blogger has been inspired by all of this to start his own 'November in flower' list. The more the merrier!


That's a cracking walk that!
Derek Faulkner said…
I suppose the obvious question Steve, is why have you never moved to, or close by to, Dungeness, or would having it all year round spoil it's appeal.
Steve Gale said…
As much as I love the place Derek, it isn't the number one choice of residence for other members of my family. However, I can get my fill by coming down throughout the year for such stays (not normally this long!). If anything, my appreciation of the woods and downs of north Surrey are increased.
Dylan Wrathall said…
Better to have loved and lost - than never to have loved at all? - Dyl
Steve Gale said…
Something along those lines Dyl...
Dylan Wrathall said…
Steve - it was a deep thought! Perhaps I should have mentioned that in my original comment? - Dyl
Steve Gale said…
I'm a bit slow tonight Dyl - might have something to do with a few large single malts!

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